sábado, 27 de dezembro de 2014

My world view plus Mind Map by Prezi

I have created one mind map of my world view.
It was a good exercise to think about what really matter for us in our life and how it has been changing our thoughts and beliefs.


My world view

My history started in Brazil at the city of São Paulo in 1992. I was the second child of my mother, the first one was my sister, she is 2 years older than me. The history of my family it is full of adventure that has led to mixed cultures in the house. My parents are both from Brazil, however they have background from Europe, that is why I do not look like a Brazilian guy (following the pattern: black hair & tan skin).

The fact of have a background from another country can be useful for you or not, it is going to be up to your family. Fortunately my family always tried to bring it as a useful thing. First of all, my grandmother and my grandfather they came from Portugal and made their lives in Brazil. It would be just a normal thing in that time, cause Portugal was passing throughout financial problems in their government. However, my family tried to teach me what is the important thing about it.

Moreover, I grew up listening and discussing about the differences between the cultures of my background and it was so important to me because I started to develop an interest about the opportunities that the global citizenship can have. Furthermore, all the difficult times that my family passed throughout led me to build my thoughts as a man earlier than the usual.

Since I was a kid I always had interest in how to build the things, it led me to get in a course of Engineering in Brazil. Being a student it is always good for learn new things and build your knowledge. Since I got in the university I have passed through a lot of experiences that changed my thoughts and my behavior. One of the best experiences that I have got was the scholarship from my government. I am a part of the program called by Science Without Borders. I came to Australia as an exchange student for 17 months. I have been here for 10 months and since the first day I have met a lot of people from everywhere in the world. It is being so useful for me, every person that I have met I learned something new about their cultures. Now, I am living in a huge house with 32 people from different countries. I can easily say that I am changing every day, it is shaping my mind.

My housemates

This experience in Australia is showing to me that our thoughts, behavior and knowledge, they are related to the culture that we have experienced. My view of the world now is different than when I was in Brazil. I understand that the culture have influence in our view of the world, our values and beliefs. Another important thing to point out it is about the differences of each culture. For example, the Chinese have a different calendar. In the first moment that you see something really different than your reality the feeling it is weird but after few words explaining about that you start to accept it as something that can bring to you knowledge and maybe change your thoughts and beliefs. For example, when I saw my friend from china drinking warm water I was feeling so weird, but then they explained to me that it is common in China and it is consider as a healthy practice of them. The friendship make the world better, sharing experiences and cultures even though whether differences are strong or not.

I would like to say that the fact of being living with so many people it is the best experience that someone can have about learning cultures. The cultural connections that it has bring to me it is building who I am now. The respect, the interest of learning and the adventure, are words that come together in a peaceful experience living with so many different cultures.

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