domingo, 28 de dezembro de 2014

Have you ever thought about it?

What is Global Citizenship?

That is an important question that came up in the beginning of our summer course. When I firstly thought about it, I felt a little bit confused about what it should be. After watch some videos explaining about it I realize that the definition of a global citizenship, in my opinion, could be as follow below.

''Global citizen is a person that belong to the world and not just a special community. It means that they want to make the difference in a global scale and not just local. The global citizens are looking at seeing the world from a different way in order to make it healthier, sustainable. Compassionate and peaceful. The youth has an incredible power to make this difference in the world. ''

How can I become a Global citizen?

That is an interesting question that everybody probably had in their minds in the begging of the course. From my point of view, to become a global citizen you must be able to see the world as a big community where everybody should work together to make it a better place to live our lives without destroying our natural resources and being also able to make connections that overcome the borders of our countries in order to make it possible.

The pictures below shown what I am trying to explain.


Those pictures above are good to show a lit bit what the Global Citizenship is composed of. It shows that does not matter what is your color of skin or your nationality, who has a global citizenship are above those terms and their identity transcends the borders of political and geography areas in order to make the world a big community.


The phrase above was found in the internet when I did a research about the definition of global citizenship. I agreed with that phrase however there are some points that we need to think about. First of all, is not strictly necessary to be in our country to do good things for it, I reckon that the most powerful energy of the humanity come up through our ideas that transform the world when they started to be not just in our mind but in the real time by our actions. Secondly, I think that our eyes surveying the world keep our mind working as a global citizen, because it means that we are not just thinking about our nation, but the whole nation that the term Global citizen is composed.

I hope that you guys enjoyed this publication, feel free to comment about and discuss. 

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